Your spouse will be tempted with the familiarity of leaving, like mine was.
I inducted him into this demonic society the first time I put him out.
Something about the familiar has convinced them there is freedom.
Something about that familiar place of putting them out has convinced you there is peace.
Without realizing this, revelation before that familiar place is where my husband and I received our chains.
I got a chain and he got a chain. Satan was passing out chains like Oprah Winfrey passing out cars. You get a chain! You get a chain! Everybody gets a chain!!!!
You received your chains and they received theirs in that same place.
Although leaving in his mind brought him freedom in his mind, and brought me peace in my mines.
It was far from true we received our chains and shackles in that familiar place.
That familiar place was nothing but bad behavior, toxic views, and repeated cycles.
Have you noticed while they were in that familiar place they came back home with more bad behavior, then before?
Even gotten themselves wrapped up in toxic relationships in the familiar land. Why? It became familiar because Satan had convinced them there is a permanent address for them there.
This is exactly why your spouses will say things like, “ I’m never coming home!”
Since it’s so familiar Satan has also convinced some of many of you it’s permanent their never coming back, because of this familiar place. Or they will leave again because they were introduced to that place when you put them out!
All lies!
God is wanting to free you both from chains you can’t physically see. The falsehood of freedom, and the falsehood of what you believe peace truly is.
You are getting delivered from bad behavior, bad cycles, and patterns you learned along the way.
Ask God what is he trying to deliver you from concerning this area in your life?.…
—Jacie Hutchins