I know we have reached a New Year, and this is where your faith will truly be put to the test. Everything may appear completely opposite, but you must train your mind to believe God no matter what. You will be hit in many directions that is only to knock you off path so you will be more distracted by the hit and not recognize what God is doing.
In many sessions lately, I hear stander says, "God hasn't done anything in my situation. He is not answering my prayers. Am I doing something wrong? What am I missing?" The common thing I am noticing is God is answering their prayers, but they are overlooking it because the spouse is not home yet, or they are not seeing the changes they so desperately desire.
Is this your struggle as well in this season?
You gotta have fresh eyes while standing, asking God to help you see what He sees? Kind of like God giving you a magnifying to see down into His pupils into the supernatural. When your eyes open God will show you, you're overlooking the answers. How does this happen?
This happens when you are distracted by the physical elements taking place in your marriage. God wants to train your mind to see in the supernatural before you see anything in the natural. I want to encourage you going forward into this New Year to focus on God more than ever. Do not focus on the natural, you must be blinded by natural sight and your eyes wide open to your supernatural sight. Your natural has to be dismissed and you must welcome your supernatural sight.
When standing in faith you must know these eyes will play many tricks on you!
This approach takes a lot of seeking and searching out God daily. This is the posture we must have in prayer. Your approach to prayer should not be telling God everything the enemy is doing and saying but respond in faith to the problem with the written word of God.
When it looks opposite, you must pray opposite and speak opposite of what you see. This will take a whole lot of practice and just a little bit of faith. Thats all you need is a little faith and God can move mountains.
If it looks opposite of what God promised you, I encourage you to implement this as a daily exercise as you walk out your journey of restoration.
Hope to see you soon. Book your session today and don't hold off a second longer! Be consistent and intentional in your stand.
~Jacie Hutchins