Good evening Love Ambassador,
I pray all is well with you and your family. These past few weeks God has been showing me prodigal spouses dealing with a lot of inward issues that happened in the marriage. When standing these issues can be overlooked by the standing spouse, because you may feel well, "I stayed, and I never left." You must heal but don't devalue what each other maybe dealing with inwardly.
Truth of the matter is, there is improvement needed on both sides. You may feel like the whole situation isn't fair or you deserve better. The truth is you both deserve to become the better versions of yourself created in Christ. God does not have a desire to replace your spouse with someone else, otherwise He wouldn't have impressed the word deeply on the tablet of your heart to stand for restoration.
It may feel insane to stand but God has commissioned you to stand. Lean in and press into Gods word. Cling to His word and hold tight. This journey can be quite rewarding as you embrace the call to stand in righteousness. This is all about salvation more than anything. You may experience your spouse reaching out in hopes to reconcile. A few nights ago, I dreamt prodigal spouses reaching out to reconcile concerning many standers. God will give you instructions on how He wants you to maneuver through the process. Listen intensively for Gods voice. Block out the noise and sit before the Lord quietly. The enemy will do everything in his power to make you fearful, doubtful, and in disbelief if its God or not...?
I've noticed when this happens the standing spouse grows anxious and begins to rush the prodigal spouse. They even start manipulating things on their own term instead of trusting God, they give the prodigal spouse a time frame to get their act together. That is control, and control- is a form of witchcraft, and witchcraft- is the work of the flesh. Do not get in your flesh.
I repeat: DO NOT GET IN YOUR FLESH! This is why the flesh must die to self.
If you find yourself doing this it's because the enemy wants, you to grow weary. Be aware, God does not rush things because of weariness or fear. Take a deep breath to reassess the situation. Respond, React, and Reexamine everything with wisdom.
God is depending on you to show grace and compassion towards your spouse. As hard as it may seem this is a weapon you must sharpen and pull out your spiritual arsenal when needed. The devil wants you to be so disgusted and have a hard heart so you can become ineffective in your time of prayer. Or better yet, so that you won't even pray at all. Don't fall victim of the hype, the devil has the same ole playbook. Do not be deceived by the devils' schemes.
Stay in the fight.
Be ready.
Be alert.
Be wise.
~Jacie Hutchins